Archive for November, 2004

DIY is back

The original reason I started this journal was to chart my progress building a modular synthesizer. For several reasons, I decided this might not be the best idea. So, instead, I’m starting much smaller. I’ve started on a microphone preamp, based on a 1970’s API design. These preamps are some of the best-sounding anywhere, and […]

Published on: 14 November 2004
Posted by: jlaity
Discussion: 3 Comments

New dive pics

We took a nice trip on the Truth dive boat to Santa Rosa and San Miguel islands this weekend. This is my favorite shot of the set, a red octopus I found at 20′ during a night dive: More photos here: Santa Rosa & San Miguel Gallery

Published on: 9 November 2004
Posted by: jlaity
Discussion: Leave a comment

Damn Casinos

Let’s see if the casino spam goes away now. If you do choose to gamble your money online, I would very much appreciate it if you did not use these bastards. Thank you. Edit: Heh, I added a filter that gets rid of words like “casino” and “gaming.” It seems to work. 🙂

Published on: 7 November 2004
Posted by: jlaity
Discussion: 2 Comments