Best Funeral Ever
My music was used on a TV show called “Best Funeral Ever.” On The Learning Channel, natch! Check it out.
My music was used on a TV show called “Best Funeral Ever.” On The Learning Channel, natch! Check it out.
After a six-year coffee break, I’ve decided to bring back the blog for placements and other news. I kept some of the older posts for entertainment value, like one where I’m excited about my new Treo 650 smartphone. Watch this space for… something.
We took a mini-vacation in Kona last weekend, the highlight being an encounter with a 10-12 foot Oceanic Whitetip Shark.
Yesterday I started building my new synth, mostly drilling panels and assembling switches. I clicked on an electronic music internet radio station called “Blue Hell” while I worked for inspiration, which turned out to be mostly beeps, boops and sound effects from synths. There was almost nothing tonal about the music coming out, but it […]
I’m trying to design a cabinet for my soon-to-be modular synth. Everyone tells me to plan for a bigger system than I think. I’ve read a lot of stories of people who build a box and outgrow it within a few months, and have to build another to stack on top. Since I’m planning to […]
I just got an early Christmas present, the A-frame keyboard stand I always wanted. For years I resisted, thinking it was too ’80s. But I’ve finally given in and I’m loving it. Why a three tier stand? Muh-hah-hah-hah….